Now that we're well and truly in and settled, the house progress has slowed dramatically. Sure we have the essentials, but the house is still quite bare, it doesn't have any Nat flair yet! I have so many plans to fix that, but unfortunately most of them require money, which means waiting and chipping away at each of them slowly as we can afford them.

The other addition to the lounge room was some 'RIBBA' picture ledges from IKEA: While we had the couch pulled apart to lay the rug down it was a good time to have my handy-man assistants, Ben and Grady, install them. I bought four of the 115 centimetre ledges and put them up in two strips, with two ledges (butted up end to end) in each strip, one above the other.
I had a specific idea in mind for the use of the ledges that I think I saw on Pinterest a while ago. So with that in mind, I've spent the last six months or so collecting a bunch of random, neutral tone picture frames in a mix of matte, metallic, patterned and plain designs, and filling them with all my favourite photographs.
Once the ledges were up and the couch reassembled, I set about arranging and rearranging the frames on the shelves, fine tuning their positions, and blue tacking them in place, until I was completely satisfied with their organised yet haphazard layout. Perfect!
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