In late 2012, Ben and I decided that now we were settled in our career jobs, not to mention our wedding just over the horizon, it was time to look at investing in our first home. And so began the adventure!
We knew from the start that we wanted to build, rather than buying an existing house, so we began by scouring the real estate websites for the perfect lot of land.
We deliberated about blocks outside of town, in the surrounding areas of NSW including Bungendore, Googong and Jerrabomberra. But in the end we knew we wanted to be northside, close to our friends, in the area we already called home.

In late December, a lucky fluke in timing brought our attention to a piece of land just recently returned to the market. The last remaining block in the final release of a development in north Canberra. The block had been bought quite some time ago when the development plans were first released but delays in the land availability forced them to sell it on and look elsewhere, thus dropping in our lap the largest block of the development at 625 square metres.

As luck would have it, due to an endangered moth species - the Golden Sun Moth, the land surrounding the development has been earmarked as an open space buffer to protect the moth. With our land situated on the the edge of the development we can never be boxed in, And so we say hello, and thank you, to our first neighbour - the Golden Sun Moth!
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